E21 Andrew Checchia of The Daily Catch Talks East Coast Vibes, the “Greatest” Generation & What It Ain’t in Rhinebeck NY

Episode 22: E21 Andrew Checchia of The Daily Catch Talks East Coast Vibes, the “Greatest” Generation & What It Ain’t in Rhinebeck NY

Guest host Andrew Checchia of The Daily Catch discusses how the East Coast has its own vibe; the “greatest” generation; and a useless fact about “it ain’t.”

Show notes

Guest host Andrew Checchia of The Daily Catch discusses how the East Coast has its own vibe; the “greatest” generation; and a useless fact about “it ain’t.”

Welcome to The Rhinebeck Scoop! I spill the tea on our beloved town, Rhinebeck, NY, including social commentary segments called Boujee Banter, White People Problems, and as everyone loves, our Sweet and Sour of the moment.

Produced by Jennifer C, Matty Rosenberg, and Jennifer Hammoud

What's on your mind? E-mail to comments@radiofreerhinecliff.org Studio phone - 845 307 7446



Andrew Checchia

Andrew Checchia

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